Tuesday, April 8, 2008

This week in art.

Holy cow! Free time has been coming my way something crazy in the past couple of weeks. This of course, has allowed me the extra time to shoot up some art. So, if you want to be entertained, watch or listen to these things that I am going to tell you to watch or listen too.


if... (dir. Lindsay Anderson)

I first came across this film as an adolescent coming to grips with life after "A Clockwork Orange". This film stars Malcolm McDowell as the Malcolm McDowell character. It is without a doubt a 1960's time capsule, but thoroughly entertaining nonetheless. I suggest drinking a bottle of cheap wine with this one, and hopefully you and your friends can go and start a revolution soon thereafter.

Criterion reissued this by the way, making it all the more appetizing.


Chamkila Chamkila Chamkila!

While riding in the back of a cab, I asked the driver to put on some of his shit. (NOTE: This is always a good idea). The driver proceeded to blow my mind with the hottest Punjabi dance music that I have ever heard.

He wrote the name of the singer on a card for me. His name is Chamkila.

In researching him, I found that Chamkila is one of the most famous Punjabi singers of all time. His sound is fresh as fuck.

Apparently his lyrical content was rather controversial. They would condone drinking and extra marital affairs, which was and is still big no-no in India. So much so in fact, that on March 8, 1988, Chamkila and his singing partner Amarjot were gunned down by a motorcycle gang. Read the full story by searching Chamkila on Wikipedia.

Here is a song of his...

You got to go to 74th St. in queens if you want to buy his CD's. They are only 5 bucks a pop though.

1 comment:

Perrin Cloutier said...

I am digging deep this Chamkila. I need hear more!